Metaverse and hysteria Renato Purchio


For the more distracted: Whatsapp was bought by Facebook which became Meta. Not without a purpose in mind, of course, but directing all investments to this new virtual ecosystem that promises eternal life, where the human being will be represented by his avatar, which in turn will be able to consume clothes, sneakers, accessories, cultural experiences and many others where the sky is the limit.

Famous brands like Nike, D&G, Anheuser-Bush, Coca-Cola, Hyundai, Gucci have already set up their stores with virtual products, paid for with real money (nothing is such a joke...) in the form of NFTs.

On Netflix you will be able to watch the first chapter of Black Mirror, a drama about two straight friends who meet again at 40 and maintain a virtual homo-affective relationship.

to learn more see: Black Mirror

Fantasizing about being Rapunzel or Prince Charming is still considered in adulthood an escape from reality and at the edge of pseudo-sensations a hysterical trait. But maybe the real world will become so boring and dull that living in the Metaverse could be the new normal, widely practiced and accepted. Time will tell.

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